MTI  |  SKU: YVO4g050505S1

YVO4 (101) 5 x 5 x 0.5mm, 1sp


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YVO4 (101) 5 x 5 x 0.5mm, 1sp


Single crystal YVO4
Size: 5 mm x 5mm x 0.5mm
Orientation: (101)
Polish: one side polished
Surface  Roughness: Epi polished (Ra) <  5A

YVO4 is a new birefringent crystal for fiber optics. YVO4 is an ideal material for optical polarizing components, such as fiber optic isolators, beam displacers, circulators, etc because of its wide transparency range and large birefringence. Its medium hardness renders it particularly amenable to high-quality polish and optical finish with ease.


Typical Properties of YVO4 crystal

Crystal Structure

Tetragonal:   a = b = 7.12 Š   c = 6.29 Å

 Growth Method  


Melt Point

1825  oC        


4.22   g/cm3  


 5  ( mohs)

Thermal Expansion

 aa= 4.43 x10-6/ oC                ac= 11.37  x10-6/ oC

Thermal Conductivity,

A axis 5.32 W/(m.k)              C axis = 5.10 W/(m.k)

Thermal Optic Coefficient

dha / dT :   8.5x10-6/ oC        dhc / dT :   3.0 x10-6/ oC

Transmission Range

 ~ 80%  at 400 nm ~ 4000 nm range

Refractive Index  h

Birefringence (Dn) and the walk-off angle at 45° (r)

ho= 1.9929    he= 2.2154    Dh = 0.2225    r=6.04o    at  l 0.63 mm

ho= 1.9500    he= 2.1554    Dh = 0.2054    r=5.72o    at  l 1.30 mm

ho= 1.9447    he= 2.1486    Dh = 0.2039    r=5.69o    at  l 1.55 mm

Sellmeier Equation ( l in mm )

ho2 = 3.77834 + 0.069736/(l2 –0.04724) – 0.0108133 ´ l2

he2 = 4.59905 + 0.110534/(l2 –0.04813) – 0.0122676 ´ l2

Standard Products and Specs

As-grown boules

 <100 >  or <001> ori.± 0.5o

20  mm diameter   x up to  20  mm length

( We don't suggest you purchase boules unless it is  necessary because of  the difficulty in quality verification at this stage )

As-cut blocks

q=0 or 45o, f=0 or 45o

 3.2 x3.2 x 10.3  mm

4.2 x 4.2 x 10.3  mm  ( or any size available from  crystal boule )

Optically polished parts

q=0 or 45o, f=0 or 45o

2 sides polished


Dimension Tolerance: ± 0.05 mm

Orientation Tolerance: ± 0.5 o

Tolerance Parallelism: < 15"            for any size upon customer request

Surface  Roughness: Epi polished (Ra) <  5A

AR coating:

R < 0.25% @1550 nm        ( available upon request )



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