MTI  |  SKU: PbSa101005S1US

PbS (100) single crystal, 10x10x0.5 mm, 1sp - PbSa101005S1US


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PbS (100) single crystal, 10x10x0.5 mm, 1sp - PbSa101005S1US


PbS single crystal substrate

  • Size:             10x10x0.5 mm
  • Orientation:   (100) 
  • Polishing:      one side polished with scratch/dig: 60/40

Basic properties

Material PbS PbSe PbTe
Structure Cubic Cubic Cubic
Density 7.60 g/cm^3 8.15 g/cm^3 8.16 g/cm^3
Thermal conductivity (at 25 deg C) 0.03 W/cmK 0.017 W/cmK 0.0017 W/cmK
Refractive index (?= 6 um) 4.19 4.54 5.48
Direct bandgap 0.37 eV 0.27 eV 0.32 eV