MTI  |  SKU: LTSY76D04C1deg36

LiTaO3 Saw grade, Y-cut wafer with 36 degree off , 3" dia x0.4 mm , 1 sp


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LiTaO3 Saw grade, Y-cut wafer with 36 degree off , 3" dia x0.4 mm , 1 sp


Saw  grade single crystal LiTaO3
Orientation:  Y-cut  with 36  degree off
Size:           3" diameter x 0.4mm
Polish:         One  side polished

Typical Properties:

Materials Purity:             > 99.995%

Crystal Structure:           Rhombohedral    space group 3M

Lattice Constant:            ( Hex ) a = 5.154 Š            c = 13.783 Å

Melting Point:                1650 oC

Density:                        7.45 g /cm3

Curie Point:                    610 oC

Hardness:                      5.5 - 6 Moh

Thermal Expansion:          a a= 16.1 x 10 -6 / k            a c= 4.1 x 10 -6 / k

Resistivity:                    1015 W.m               

Dielectric Constant:         es11 / e0:  39 ~43                es33 / e0:  42 ~43

                                   et11 / e0:  51 ~54                 et11 / e0:  43 ~46

Color:                           colorless

Transmission Range:        0.4~5.0 mm

Refractive Index:            ho = 2.176  he = 2.180 @ 633 nm