MTI  |  SKU: LNSY101005S1deg36

LiNbO3 SAW grade, Y-cut, 36 degree off 10x10x0.5mm, 1sp


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LiNbO3 SAW grade, Y-cut, 36 degree off 10x10x0.5mm, 1sp


Saw grade single crystal LiNbO3
Purity:  > 99.9%

Orientation: Y-cut with 36 degree off
Size: 10mm x 10mm x 0.5mm
Polish: one side polished



Typical  Properties

Crystal Structure

Hexagonal    a=5.148  Å,  c= 13.863Å

Growth Method


Melting Point

1250 oC


 4.64 g/cm3

Curie Temperature

~ 1160 oC


 5 Mohs

Thermal expansion (x10-6/ oC)

a11: 15.4       a33:  7.5

Index of Refraction

ho=2.286       he=2.203   at 632.8 nm

Transmission wavelength

0.4 ~ 2.90 m 

Nonlinear coefficient

Electro-optical Coefficient

d33=34.45,  d31=d15=5.95    d22=13.07                           (pmV-1)

g13=8.6, g22=3.4, g 33=30.8, g51=28.0, g 22=6.00              (pmV-1)

Transparency Range


370 ~ 5000   nm

 > 68 % @ 632.8 nm

Sellmeier Equation ( l in mm )

ho2 (l) = 4.9048 + 0.11768/(l2 –0.04750) – 0.027169 ´ l2

he2 (l) = 4.5820 + 0.099169/(l2 –0.04443) – 0.021950 ´ l2

LiNbO3 Finished Components


Any size below 3" diameter boule

Tolerance of size

Z-axis: ± 0.3 mm

X-axis and Y-axis: ± 0.1 mm


Less than 0.5 mm at 45o ± 5o

Accuracy of orientation

Z-axis: < 5'

X-axis and Y-axis: < 10'


< 10''


10/5 scratch/dig