KF40 Feedthrough with 5 type-K Thermocouple Extension Wires for Glovebox, EQ-FH-KF40-K5


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KF40 Feedthrough with 5 type-K Thermocouple Extension Wires for Glovebox, EQ-FH-KF40-K5


EQ-FH-KF40-K5 is a Feedthrough with 5 type-K Thermocouple Extension Wires for Gloveboxes. Each pair of wires features a female type-K TC connector for further connecting to your system. Please prepare your KF40 quick clamp and sealing ring.


Port Size KF40 40mm
Wire Material  Chromel (+) / Alumel (-)
Wire Connections
  • Outside the Glovebox: One female TC connector for each pair of wires
  • Inside the Glovebox: Stainles steel screw and nut connection
  • Alumina
  • 73 mm inside of the Glovebox.
  • 73 mm outside of the Glovebox.
Application Notes
  • Feedthrough can be connected any glove box which has KF 40/25 Port.
  • Thermocouples are not included
  • Need to have a KF-40 Quick Clamp with Rubber O-Ring (both the quick clamp and the o-ring are not included)