Instytut Fotonowy

Dummy cell A reference cell for photoelectric spectrometer testing.


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Dummy cell A reference cell for photoelectric spectrometer testing.

Instytut Fotonowy


Dummy cell for testing of photoelectric spectrometer. It has two sets of connectors: resistive with 1 MΩ resistor for potentiostat ranges and calibration tests and photosensitive for photocurrent tests.

The cell lets the user test whether the measuring system is set up correctly and if all the parts function in a desired manner.
Using voltamperometric measurement on the resistive section one should see the straight line of Ohm’s law with the electric potentials and currents corresponding to the MΩ resistance.
Testing I vs. λ with the light sensitive section one should recover a Si action map.



Voltage range: -5 V … 5 V,
Spectral range: 200 nm … 1100 nm,
Holder: type “cage” 30 mm,