PalmSens  |  SKU: C-ES4S-LR.F0

EmStat4S potentiostat/galvanostat


max frequency fo EIS

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EmStat4S potentiostat/galvanostat


EmStat4S LR potentiostat/galvanostat, including:

·       PSTrace for Windows

·       USB-C cable

·       Sensor cable with set of crocodile clips and dummy cell

·       Rugged plastic case

·       Manual and USB flash drive

·       Three year warranty on parts and labour


·       EIS up to 200 kHz

·       USB Y-Cable for additional power

·       DC-potential range ±3V (LR) or ±6 V (HR)

·       Maximum current ±30 mA (LR) or 200 mA (HR)

